roobooyn · 2 years ago
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the breakfast club x ride the cyclone
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stupidppenguin · 4 months ago
when u wanna beat the art block but all u can draw is this
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i swear i need help one of these days -28/6/24
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irldogbot · 2 years ago
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wanted to draw this goofy little idea i had of like. the choir watching legoland but. then i got lazy drawing their reactions LMFAO
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fandomramblerr · 7 months ago
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why hate a child for wanting to come back to life?
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All the perfectdoll fics i could find
If you like angst and sad lesbians then check out this fanfic, it isn’t finished yet though :(
Summary: Ocean goes to visit her girlfriend hours before their performance at the Uranium City Fall Fair.
It’s one of them umbrella scenes, cute, wholesome, and no lost heads
Summary: “And, and, your uniform is soaking wet, and—”
“Can I stand under your umbrella?”
The rest of the sentence dried up in her mouth.
“Excuse me, what?”
Ocean walks Penny home in the rain.
Time loops and heads coming loose
Summary: *Based in the RTC TimeLoop AU where, after Jane Doe gets reincarnated as Penny Lamb, she suddenly returns and the entire game starts over again.*
St Cassian's Chamber Choir are bored in their afterlife, and that boredom eventually leads to them playing Truth Or Dare. Mischa gets an idea, but the dare goes horribly wrong.
An apology fic for apparently creating a war between spacedoll shippers and perfectdoll shippers (i didn’t even know there was a war going on)
Summary:  Ocean always told Jane to stop biting her lips, because it was a bad habit.
But Jane knew she didn't have to stop. Because Ocean would still kiss her anyways.
OR, a drabble i wrote as an apology to perfectdoll shippers for starting a spacedolls vs perfectdoll miniwar. Enjoy!
Lesbians Lesbians Lesbians
Summary: Ocean meets a new member of the choir and makes a new “friend” nothing more, i cant write summarys?!?
Completed, a tragedy and a sappy ending, what more could you need?
Summary: “Right, yeah, totally! Of course.” Ocean said, waving Penny off. “Okay, I’m gonna ride this thing.” Ocean said. “Good luck with the games.” Ocean called, as she rushed to catch up with the others. Penny waved and turned towards the midway games. She cracked her knuckles and went to the first one, as Ocean caught up to the group.
They didn’t know this would be the last time they would see each other, alive.
There’s actually no perfectdoll content (it just has it in the tags, probably gonna have it in the future but for now…)
Summary: The kids that supposedly "Died " In the cyclone accident are alive and now in college, how will they survive living this new life? What new relationships will form? (Cross Posted on Wattpad and Updates every Thursday)
Ocean panics and Jane comforts
Summary: Ocean Has a panic attack and Jane is there to comfort her.
Nischa centric but we do get perfectdoll dancing
Summary: st. cassian chamber choir has a halloween party :)
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ask-ar-rtc-au · 5 months ago
*Tap Tap Tap*
💵: “Yo is this shit on?”
🌌: “I think so.”
🎎: “Yes it is. The little red circle is on.”
🌊: “How do you even know that?”
👑: “Why should you care?”
🍭: “Shouldn’t we care about the whole camera situation we were working on?”
💵: “Oh shit yeah.”
Welcome to the ask blog for my ride the cyclone oc au. An au of my ocs being in ride the cyclone. All of them are in the uniforms, all are in the uniforms in the image, other than the Noel of the au. They’re in purgatory, right after the musical part, they’re still in purgatory though.
This is Kali Cliste, the Ocean of the au. When she’s talking, this is used, for example 🌊: “example” image is below
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This is Zakku Ocha, the Noel of the cyclone oc au. When he’s talking, this is used, for example 👑: “example.” Image is below him and Angel are dating.
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This is Angel Starre, the Mischa of the cyclone oc au. When he’s talking, this is used, for example 💵: “example.” Image is below. Him and Zakku are dating, and him and Azrael are related.
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This is Azrael (Azzy) Starre, the Ricky of the cyclone oc au. When he’s talking, this is used, for example 🌌: “example.” He’s brothers with Angel. He still has his disability, but is now able to speak and stuff when he’s in purgatory.
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This is Leni Azul, the Jane of the cyclone oc au. When she’s talking, this is used, for example 🎎: “example.” Image is below. She still goes by Jane. She doesn’t know who she is. She weirdly knows a lot about technology and electronics.
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This is Lila Jones, the Constance of the cyclone oc au. When she’s talking, this is used, for example 🍭: “example.” Image below
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All of my messages are like this, and will have the. All actions are in intellects with “*” around it. For example, “*bonk*” All questions are okay, just no nsfw or being creepy like that. Account ran by @your-local-chaotic-cryptid
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wtf3lli0t · 10 months ago
Point And Say Its My Fault So You Have Someone To Blame (Ride The Cyclone AU): what if penny was the only one who wasnt brought back from the afterlife and is still a jane doe? what if ocean is the only one who remembers? TW: Mentions of d3ath, (surviors) guilt, and PTSD. Brief depictions of crashes, and dec@pitation. (once i have my ao3 acc (in a few days) ill upload this to ao3 so yippee!! tumblr sneak peak!! ill update this later probably, inconsistent posting and all that shit, yk the drill.)
Penny Lamb is dead.
And Ocean Oconnell-Rosenburg cant help but feel like its entirely her fault. She made the vote. She had chosen to bring Penny back. Karnak, stupid, stupid Karnak. He told them that the vote would bring Penny back. Maybe it didnt work because Penny Lamb was just a Jane Doe in the afterlife. Maybe it didnt work because Penny Lamb was just a Jane Doe in the real world. Maybe it didnt work because Penny Lambs identidy was stripped away from her. She was no longer Penny Lamb. Just a Jane Doe. And that is all she will ever be again. Because she is still a Jane Doe. Ocean is the only one who remembers. Remembers the fair, remembers the roller coaster, remembers the crash, remembers the afterlife, remembers the stories, remembers the vote, remebers Penny Lamb. Remembers Jane Doe, and who she used to be. Who she once was. Who she will never be again. Ocean knows the afterlife was not a dream. She knows because theres still reports about an unidentified body in a rollercoaster crash on Monday September 14th, 2008, from 6:17 PM to 6:19 PM. The body of a seventeen year old girl named Penny Lamb. The body still lacking a head, hidden somewhere under rubble from the crash. Her heart twangs and aches with guilt, because she knows she should tell someone, anyone. She knows she should. But whenever she tries to her throat closes up, and her lungs turn to dust, and her blood runs cold and drains from her body, from her soul, so she tells herself "another time, when I get the chance again". Penny Lamb will not get a chance again. She will never get a chance again. Because "she" is no more. "She" is a Jane Doe. "She" is dead.
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noonbeam17 · 2 years ago
taking a moment to talk about how oceans catchphrase is literally "democracy rocks!" and then shes fucking devastated and has a whole monologue when the rules become shes the one who votes who lives, instead of a unanimous agreement between the six. they fucking did this on purpose. everyone probably realized this immediately when they first watched it but i am going INSANE over this little detail right now. those bitches knew EXACTLY what they were doing when they wrote it in
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k1ckback · 2 years ago
even more choirsona stuff
Specifically Steve Jansen lmao, 
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neonparades · 7 months ago
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hellooooo tumblr i’m momentarily back from the dead to post Ride the Cyclone art what’s the haps
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roobooyn · 2 years ago
was listening to heathers and had a vision
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asmogorna · 6 months ago
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honestly seeing so many new rtc fans makes me feel like a grandma .. (i say as if i didnt join the fandom in spring of 2022 (before it was trending mind you (im being an ass)))
i miss them on a daily basis tbh !!! ugh my darlings
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irldogbot · 2 years ago
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puppet history au is so fun thank u rtccord
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kiarafeather · 5 months ago
Happy Pride month everyone 🥳🥳🥳🥳
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caffeinatedaisy · 4 months ago
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This was made by a friend of mine, who would like to remain anonymous.
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ladylylla · 5 months ago
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Voilà! Here’s some personal rtc designs, just for funsies! Thanks for all the love on my last rtc post <3
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